Congratulations to AFL Sydney umpires Leo Nelson, Dean Garroway, Michael Richards and David Newell (field) together with Harrison Bond, Campbell Hislop and Phil Barkman (boundary) who have been selected to officiate at the 2011 Under-18 Joss State Zone Trials in Coffs Harbour.
Selection to umpire is a fantastic achievement for these umpires, and a great opportunity to continue their umpiring development.
The full squad is:
Leo Nelson (AFL Sydney/Sydney Harbour)
Dean Garroway (AFL Sydney)
Michael Richards (AFL Sydney/Sydney Harbour)
David Newell (AFL Sydney/Sydney Harbour)
Aden Kittel (Black Diamond AFL/Newcastle)
Jackson Stokes (Black Diamond)
Mitchell Turner (North Coast AFL)
Harrison Bond (AFL Sydney)
Campbell Hislop (AFL Sydney)
Pat Jackson (AFL Canberra)
Tim Carton (AFL Canberra)
Chris Alexander (Black Diamond AFL)
Phil Barkman (AFL Sydney)
James McKenna (AFL Canberra)
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